Raiders Medical Form

    Please check the appropriate box for any question you would respond "YES" to. Provide additional details in the box below for any checked checkbox.

    Have you ever fainted while exercising?Are you Epileptic?Do you wear glasses?Are your lenses shatterproof?Do you wear contact lenses?Do you wear a dental appliance?Do you have a hearing problem?Do you have Asthma?Do you have an Asthma puffer?Do you have trouble breathing during exercise?Do you have any known Heart condition?Are you a Diabetic? Type 1 or 2Do you have an insulin pump?Have you had an illness lasting more than a week in the past year?Do you take any Medication?Do you have any Allergies?Do you wear a medic alert bracelet or necklace?Do you have any health problem that would interfere with participation on a hockey team?Have you had Surgery in the last year?Have you been in hospital in the last year?Have you been to a doctor in the last year?Have you had injuries requiring medical attention in the past year?Are you Currently injured?

    Note: Any medical condition or injury should be checked by your physician before participating in a
    hockey program.